Funny family jokes. Jokes for learning English. Who Really Invented the TV Dinner? Don your dancing shoes and have a chicken dance dance-off. Games for Children. Word games and Quizzes. Frog Jumping Day on May 13 celebrates Mark Twain’s short story called Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog. August 12, 2015 4 comments. (try it!) Other Fun Holidays around May 15 13 May Frog Jumping Day. Carefully researched and constantly updated. In this video from our new YouTube channel (click here to subscribe), we take a look at Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak’s first business together- […] Two Guys and One of the Greatest Practical Jokes of All Time. Vocabulary games. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. Language games for children. A shrimp's heart is in its head. Amusing English facts. Spelling Exercises and Games. Our vision is a world where being physically active is part of … Games, songs and stories. Jokes and Funny stories. Holidays and Observances Around the World . August 6, 2015 3 comments. 10 Today involves short ten minute routines to get you stretching and moving, and will be broadcast on the radio and online. 14 May Dance Like a Chicken Day. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. Games and quizzes for beginners. Photograph: Pedro Lastra on Unsplash Funny short stories. Public holidays and other special days in 200+ countries. Things to do in Chicago today Find the best things to do in Chicago today, including parties, concerts, screenings and other can't-miss events. Good clean jokes. Learning videos for kids. August 26, 2015 One comment. 15 May Chocolate Chip Day. It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow.

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