Saying "thank you" is a quick, reflexive action. I disagree with saying "It's fine" unless the person's apology has truly made things fine with you. Saying thank you is a simple and often overlooked way to show someone how much they mean to you. We use three forms in British English – one is the verb (doing word), while the others are the noun (thing) and adjective (describing word). You don't have to negate your valid experiences and valid emotions in response to an apology. The gesture is made even more special when you’ve taken the time to include a small gift and handwrite a nice message in order to express your gratitude. Meaning it's a confirmed positive feedback event. (To me.) Is it thank you, thankyou or thank-you? Answers that users respond "thank you" to should be recorded as automatic feedback that the answer is good. You're not going to say it if Cortana gets the wrong answer. ; You can say "merci" while smiling and nodding if you want to accept … It is used by all French speakers and will be understood anywhere in the world where French is spoken. In fact, you may be giving the other person the wrong impression or even sounding rude. So it can sound a bit presumptuous. Say "merci." If you find yourself constantly saying, “I’m fine thank you, and you”, you might be surprised to find out that what you learned during your public school days isn’t the most natural way to greet someone. Merci is used in both formal and casual settings, and the spelling does not change regardless of the person you're thanking. It would be nice to know which is right and wrong – and why. I would not say "that's fine" because it sounds like you're telling the person it's all right that it's taken -- of course, it's all right. The single word merci is the most common way to say "thank you" in French. Of the two, I would say, "OK, thank you" (if the person informed me politely). When something is fine, or it really isn't OK but by saying 'that's fine' it makes you look less upset. If you look out for this phrase, you will see it written in all manner of ways, in various documents.

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