getwd returns an absolute filepath representing the current working directory of the R process; setwd(dir) is used to set the working directory to dir. See files for how file paths with marked encodings are interpreted. When you install machine learning with SQL Server, a single package library is created at the instance level for each language that you install. The path to the site profile file: see Startup. Usage getwd() setwd(dir) Arguments. Set by R. R_TEXI2DVICMD: The path to texi2dvi. Default R library location. When you install R, the default action is to create a directory for any new packages in the same system directory where the R program is installed. Details. By: Vitor Montalvao | Updated: 2017-04-14 ... an algorithm library with a set of R functions developed by Revolution Analytics that will let you perform a wide range of data analytics functions. This implies that when you want to install a new pacakge, you need administrative access to this directory. R_SHARE_DIR: The location of the R ‘ share ’ directory. The environmental variable R_LIBS is set by the script that invokes R, and can be overridden (in a shell startup file, for example) to customize your library path. Creating a personal library for R packages. R_PROFILE: Optional. EDIT: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is for shared libraries that contain machine code, whose filenames typically contain .so in their name, possibly followed by numbers separated by periods in order to distinguish different versions. Used by R CMD Rd2pdf. Since it's always set inside of an R session, the easiest way to get a starting point for it is to use Sys.getenv(): Thanks for the clarification - the use of the word "site" in "set by the site in ‘’ " was not clear to me. R_RD4PDF: Options for pdflatex processing of Rd files. This variable should be set to a colon-separated string of directories to search. Managing Packages in R Services. dir: A character string: tilde expansion will be done. It is possible that despite LD_LIBRARY_PATH, a library is not found because of ABI mismatch. Value. Example R scripts show you how to list package information such as installation path and version. Consulted at startup. There is a standard location for a site library, the site-library directory in the top-level R folder (which you would need to create with full control for the R installation account). I thik it would be much clearer, if it states that the variables .Library and can not be changed while R is running although it looks as if they can be changed (but then new ones in the top environment are created). > setwd("F:\git\stringr") > getwd() [1] "F:/git/stringr" R will always print the results using /, but you’re free to use either / or \ as you please.. To avoid having to deal with escaping backslashes in file paths, you can use the file.path() function to construct file paths that are correct, independent of the operating system you work on. This will be used for installation in preference to the main library folder if it exists. R is a collection of libraries and being an open source, the number of available libraries grows every day.
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