Insert Cache-Control header with .htaccess file on a per file type basis. Edit your .htaccess file and insert something like this: When the Cache-Control header is included the browser will respect the values found there. It can choose the best representation of a resource based on the browser-supplied preferences for media type, languages, character set and encoding. It describes how to use the Apache HTTP Server's caching features to accelerate web and proxy serving, while avoiding common problems and misconfigurations. The basic Cache-Control header defines amount of time that a file should be cached and the manner in which that caching should take place. In the event that the URL space overlaps between different CacheEnable directives (as in the example below), each possible storage manager will be run until the first one that actually processes the request. The mod_file_cache module is the simpler of the two caching mechanisms. The number of files that can be opened in this way is subject to the limitations set by your operating system. Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public. The mod_file_cache Module. The module source file module-file will be searched in the modules/module-type subdirectory of your Apache HTTP server source tree. Apache HTTPD supports content negotiation as described in the HTTP/1.1 specification. The two most common modules that enable this functionality are called "mod_cache" and "mod_file_cache". This document supplements the mod_cache , mod_cache_disk, mod_file_cache and htcacheclean reference documentation. After learning about Apache MPM worker I now prefer to install just Apache with external PHP. cache_type socache instructs mod_cache to use the shared object cache based storage manager implemented by mod_cache_socache. If it is not found there configure is considering module-file to be an absolute file path and tries to copy the source file into the module-type subdirectory. When a file is accessed by a browser the HTTP headers are also retrieved. It works by caching content that: Is requested frequently Well, too much introduction, let's go to the tip. When Apache is started, Apache will open the static files that were specified and cache the file handle, avoiding the need to open the file when it is requested. Apache has a number of different methods of caching content that is frequently accessed.
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